Substitute Teaching

Some people go to Cancun for their Spring Break, I on the other hand substitute teach at my old high school! I really need to get out of Fayetteville! I am actually only joking, I have been having a blast here substitute teaching and today has been pretty fulfilling. I think at first it was a little difficult substitute teaching at my old high school because most of the students here still remember me back when I either graduate in 2007 or I spend time with in the youth group. I thought it was going to be easier because the students knew me, but I think it took them a little bit to see me other than a friend. The students are beginning to see me more as a teacher, while maintaining their friendship with me. The only difference is they are classifying our friendship differently I think now. This different classification is not terrible or anything, but I am sensing more respect. The kind of respect I remember showing my teachers back when I was here.

These past few weeks of substituting have definitely confirmed the calling I have on my life about teaching. I am excited to start my student teaching in the fall and once I finish this part in my collegiate studies, I will obtain my license to teach FULL TIME! After I graduate I probably will stay here until May of 2013 and work off some of the debt I have collected throughout my college years. Thankfully a couple of months with pulling the belt tighter will definitely pay off these debts. During the summer of 2013, I have plans to travel to either Hong Kong, South Korea or Japan. More than likely I will end up in Hong Kong because I feel a strong pull there, as well as a feeling of HK being my second home. Well I know this post is more serious, but I just wanted to say how much I have been enjoying this opportunity to work with my future profession, up and downs included. 

~ by branhow on March 6, 2012.

2 Responses to “Substitute Teaching”

  1. How cool to do that over spring break. I like to read text books, so I do it. It’s fun when you can get enjoyment out of “geeky” things like reading a text book. 🙂


  2. You should do like Spiece did and play chess in class. lol.


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